WAM Podcast #202 Taking the Reins in a Multicultural, Multigenerational Family Business with Filomena Malvone

WAM Podcast #202 Taking the Reins in a Multicultural, Multigenerational Family Business with Filomena Malvone

Changing demographics are creating new roles and leadership opportunities for women in family businesses. However, there are numerous stereotypes, unconscious gender biases, and even family traditions that can present challenges for women stepping into these positions of leadership, particularly when taking the reins in a multicultural, multigenerational family business! This has been the experience for […]



WHERE IS MY CRYSTAL BALL? In Part I of this blog series, we discussed the historical events that created and are sustaining supply chain disruption; the global economy and geopolitical events that continue to fuel the mess; and the short- and long-term plays to protect your company’s revenue and profit streams. In Part II, we […]

PODCAST: Rolling with the Crises

PODCAST: Rolling with the Crises

Just over a year ago, we had Capital Pricing Consultants CEO & Founder Lydia DiLiello on the show to trade ideas for pricing in an unprecedented pandemic. Whereas back then the concern was avoiding a race to the bottom, the opposite challenge is now raging through B2B pricing departments. With the pandemic receding, how can […]

CPQ solutions fail engineer-to-order manufacturers

CPQ solutions fail engineer-to-order manufacturers

Traditional CPQ (Configure Price Quote) software is an unacceptable sales automation tool for companies offering highly configurable products. CPQ fails complex product manufacturers because the required engineering rules, geometry, and calculations far exceed the capabilities of traditional CPQ systems. An inordinate amount of potential profitability is lost reviewing, correcting, and re-engineering inadequate configurations. Companies manufacturing […]

PBA: A new product category for large project-based manufacturers

PBA: A new product category for large project-based manufacturers

PBA (Project Business Automation) was created as a new technology category to specifically help project-based manufacturers achieve best practices. Bringing all the project functionalities along with the manufacturing functionalities into one system creates a seamlessly connected operation, precisely what Industry 4.0 is meant to accomplish. PBA ensures that many manual processes are automated. Data exchanges […]

Lean Manufacturing Now Focuses on Pricing During Pandemic

Lean Manufacturing Now Focuses on Pricing During Pandemic

For more than a quarter century Lean Manufacturing has been focused on plant floor process improvement. While these efforts have eliminated waste in the operation, rarely have pricing elements been considered part of a value stream mapping (VSM). COVID has accelerated why manufacturers must consider pricing as a central theme in continuous process improvement. Recently, […]

Negotiation Skills for Pricers & Sales: Combating Professional Procurement Tactics & Winning

Negotiation Skills for Pricers & Sales: Combating Professional Procurement Tactics & Winning

I’ll be presenting a 2 day workshop at the 2020 PPS Fall Virtual Conference on October 20-21, 2020. Negotiation Skills for Pricers & Sales: Combating Professional Procurement Tactics & Winning Businesses face unprecedented pricing pressure as a direct result of sophisticated procurement organizations. Pricing, sales and finance leadership across all industries are engaging in challenging negotiations […]

PODCAST: Negotiation Skills for Pricers and Sales

PODCAST: Negotiation Skills for Pricers and Sales

The goal of pricing analysis is not to bombard your audience with data visualizations. Rather, the goal is to provide context and facilitate management conversations to drive pricing decisions. This session will teach attendees how to effectively adjust their communication approach for maximum impact. The Professional Pricing Society · Negotiation Skills For Pricers And Sales